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Book Summary One of the most charming tales in children's literature, Heidi is the story of a five-year-old orphan who goes to live with her grandfather in the mountains. She soon wins his heart and befriends the young goatherd, Peter. Her happiness ends, however, when her aunt takes her to the city to help take care of a sickly child, Clara. Finally, Heidi brings Clara back to her Alpine home,..
Book Summary

One of the most charming tales in children's literature, Heidi is the story of a five-year-old orphan who goes to live with her grandfather in the mountains. She soon wins his heart and befriends the young goatherd, Peter. Her happiness ends, however, when her aunt takes her to the city to help take care of a sickly child, Clara. Finally, Heidi brings Clara back to her Alpine home, where a miracle of healing occurs.

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