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The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Book Summary This beautiful and remarkable little wonder of a book includes "The Happy Prince," "The Nightingale and the Rose," "The Selfish Giant," "The Devoted Friend," and "The Remarkable Rocket." Wilde is a man remembered for plays like "The Importance of Being Ernest," works like De Profundis and the scandal that attended it, and of course The Picture of Dorian Gray -- but in many respects..
Book Summary

This beautiful and remarkable little wonder of a book includes "The Happy Prince," "The Nightingale and the Rose," "The Selfish Giant," "The Devoted Friend," and "The Remarkable Rocket." Wilde is a man remembered for plays like "The Importance of Being Ernest," works like De Profundis and the scandal that attended it, and of course The Picture of Dorian Gray -- but in many respects, this book (and a couple others like it) are Wilde's real treasures. Highly recommended.

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